Patented Closed Loop Integration

Closed Loop Integration® (CLI™) is our patented, 3-step process that powers the delivery of original, optimized mix designs to your customers every time. Only with this breakthrough process is the integrity of your production life-cycle guaranteed.

Close the loop

CLI Modules


The forward part sets the batching targets at the panel. iMix securely uploads Quadrel mixes to dispatch. Now mass adjust mixes and instantly push to production.


The return part retrieves batch results in real-time. iBatch analyzes the (actual) batch’s materials / quantities vs. the panel target and baseline Quadrel mix, and calculates quality variance.


The alerting tool for batching issues - iAlerts reconciles the (actual) batch with the (target) Quadrel mix to identify inconsistencies and alert when outside user-set tolerances.

Link and Optimize

CLI seamlessly links quality and cost management by enforcing closed loop data integrity™ in real-time throughout the production life cycle. Through utilization and optimization, order entry and dispatch, and finally batch panel production processing, Quadrel CLI technology confirms that the technically and economically optimized mix designs are the ones that are batched and delivered to customers.

Close the production loop. CLI supports interfacing with the leading production systems including Command dispatch, Integra dispatch, Ulink panels, and major European dispatches.