Competitive Savings

Cost of materials can be as high as 70% of your cost of business. In today's concrete market with tighter than ever margins, even a slight change in material costs can do major harm to your bottom line. Just a 1% increase in cost of materials is over a 10% drop in profitability.

Analysis of 1% increase in cost of Materials on Profitability

-10.05% change in New vs Base Profit

*Estimates based on 2011 concrete market
COB = Cost of Business
COM = Cost of Materials

Take charge of your profitability by letting innovation power your perfomance. Radically improving your materials utilization, product quality, and operational efficiency - Quadrel CLS (Closed Loop Solutions) can impact your bottom line by as much 40%.

Talk about ROI

Quadrel CLS cost savings can be broken down to as much as $2 PCY - that's more than six to ten times a typical concrete producer’s annual Quadrel investment.